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05/2009 Theatrum historiae

Permanentní URI k tomuto záznamuhttps://hdl.handle.net/10195/38099


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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Na stráži samoděržaví. Vladimir Andrejevič Gringmut a Ruská monarchistická strana, 1905–1907
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2009) Vydra, Zdeněk
    The Russian Monarchist Party was one of the first Russian rightist parties. It was established in April 1905 as a response on the revolution and on the tsarist Manifesto of 18th February. The party was founded and headed by Vladimir Andreevich Gringmut (1851–1907), ultra-conservative journalist and editor of the Moscow newspapers Moskovskiia Vedomosti. Gringmut spoked for an unlimited tsarist autocracy and refused any form of parliamentarism. His ideology was based on the principles of „orthodoxy, autocracy and nationality“. Anti-semitism, anti-liberalism, adoration of strong state power and criticism of Western influences in the Russian life was characteristical for Gringmut and its party. After Nicholas II announced the new State Duma with legislative power on 17th October 1905, Gringmut had to change his opinion and the Russian Monarchist Party took part in the Duma elections. It was not successful in the first (1906) and second (1907) elections, same as the other rightist parties. Only after the election law was changed in June 1907, the rightist parties gained more votes and became an important faction in the State Duma. But the Russian Monarchist Party was only marginally successful. It made a substantial impact in and around Moscow, but never gained an all-Russian influence. Contrary to the limited party’s importance, Gringmut was the leading spirit of the monarchist movement in Russia during the revolution. His activity was enormous, he participated on the All-Russian Monarchist Congresses and tried to unite the rightist parties in one all-Russian organization, nonetheless without success. Gringmut died in September 1907, when the rightist movement culminated. After his death, Russian Monarchist Party was in a steady decline.
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Testamenty urozených žen doby baroka. Několik poznámek k tématu
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2009) Swiderová, Kristina
    The article is based on set of accounts left by noblewomen of the Bohemian Kingdom in the period of 1650–1753. Using a combination of quantitative and qualitative analysis confronted with prescriptive document´s point of view, it tries to find out the meaning of testament in noblewomen’s lives. It deals with the formal structure and terms of last wills, such as property settlement, which was usually the main reason for testaments being composed. Particular attention is paid to the matter of servants, for the testament could have meant a complete change of their existence. In the early modern period, however, last will was the document standing on the very edge of one’s life, dealing with both the past and the future – the afterlife. The main emphasis is therefore laid on the testamentary piety, which is perceived among others as a means of the legitimization of the nobility itself, for which the process of the adjustments before death was well suited.
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Spory o čest mezi poddanými pardubického panství
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2009) Siglová, Tereza
    After short introduction to theoretical concepts of honour article deals with different conceptions of masculine and female honour. On the basis of concrete disputes solved by lower courts of Pardubice estate small towns and manorial court author tries to define attributes which distinguished honour of men and women. She pursues male and female characteristics connected with behaviour which could put honour at risk. Except the form and content of offenses she analyses abuses used against men and women and she pursues places where disputes of honour took place. She takes notice that this type of disputes was mainly male domain. Male honour was more public affair and related particularly to credibility and qualities connected with work. Female honour was rather private and personal business and was connected with sexual behaviour.
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Mužnost jako ctnost uvědomělého homosexuála ve třicátých letech
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2009) Seidl, Jan
    In this contribution, I approach the question of how and why the homosexuals in Czechoslovakia reflected, in the 30s of the 20th century, the way they were seen by the majority society, focusing on the polarity manliness-femininity. The medical discourse on homosexuality was, from its beginnings in the last third of the 19th century, very marked by references to this polarity: the effeminacy in homosexuals constituted a favourite topic of this discourse. The journalism was adding the public image of the homosexual with other characteristics, supporting and nourishing a widespread notion of the homosexual as an effeminated, depraved and criminal being. In the the 30s of the 20th century the Czechoslovak homosexuals, willing to improve their social status, founded a magazine, the Hlas sexuální menšiny. I use this magazine as my principal documentary basis to discuss the above mentioned questions. On the pages of the Hlas, we can observe a gradually increasing tendency to keep aside the original goal to obtain the decriminalization of homosexuality and, instead, to accomplish at first a change in the behaviour of homosexuals themselves. The homosexual activists acted on the assumption that only after the negative public image of the homosexual is modified, would it be possible to ask seriously for a decriminalization. Denouncing the effeminacy in male homosexuals (and the masculinity in female ones) and urging their readers to get rid of these features in the name of a homosexual respectability, they were reproducing the stereotypes connected to the traditional system of the gender roles distribution and claiming their validity also for the homosexual milieu.
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    Letecká báze na Českomoravské vysočině
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2009) Petr, Pavel
    The signing of the Munich Pact at the end of September 1938 did not only signify the demise of the first Czechoslovak Republic, but it also brought an end to a range of policies and regulations that Czechoslovakia had adopted in the second half of the 1930s in order to prepare for a potential conflict with Nazi Germany. This preparation entailed not only the well-known construction of the fortification line along the border with Germany, but also extensive construction of new airports. After their completion, most of these airports were meant to serve the needs of the Czechoslovak Air Force. However, some of them were conceptualized and built as bases for air force units of France and the Soviet Union, then Czechoslovakia’s allies, in case of a war with Germany. The exact scope of French and Soviet intervention in any such conflict was defined by the first of several international treaties Czechoslovakia, France and the Soviet Union signed in 1935. The signing of a general treaty of alliance between Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union then led to a multitude of mutual visits and meetings which culminated in 1937-1938 when the Czechoslovak Air Force was equipped with 61 modern bombers Tupolev SB-2. In exchange, the Soviets gained access to some of the modern weapon technologies developed by Škoda Plzeň. The signing of the above-mentioned treaty with the Soviet Union and the visits of representatives of the Red Army Air Force to Czechoslovakia drew severe criticism from Nazi Germany, whose Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda, led by Joseph Goebbels, organized campaigns proclaiming that large airports were being built for Soviet heavy bombers on our territory. Though it is true that the information broadcast by Goebbels’s ministry was purposely manipulated in order to magnify the perceived threat to Germany, it should also be noted that airports for foreign air force units did exist on Czechoslovakia’s territory. Their construction, which was kept top secret, was approved on 22nd July 1937 by the then Chief of Staff, Army General Ludvík Krejčí. After considering a variety of alternatives, the so-called “Air Bases on the Czecho-moravian Highlands” project was selected. The project entailed the construction of airports in Pardubice, Chrudim, Hlinsko, Humpolec, Polička, Banín, and in Bystřice nad Pernštejnem, each of which was supposed to accommodate one Czechoslovak Air Force squadron (which roughly equalled an RAF wing in size). The land needed for the construction was either bought or rented. The airports in Chrudim and Pardubice were supposed to provide permanent bases for units of the Czechoslovak Air Force, albeit smaller ones during the period of peace. Although construction work was carried out intensively on all airports, only the bases in Pardubice and Chrudim had been finished and ready for operational use by September 1938. At the end of September 1938, a Soviet Air Mission, under the command of General J.V. Smuškevič, flew to Czechoslovakia. However, it is a well-known fact that Czechoslovakia accepted the Munich dictate to avoid a conflict with Germany, and the above-mentioned airports were never used by the Soviet or French air forces. Some of the airports were finished during the German occupation of Czechoslovakia and used for the needs of the Luftwaffe. The airports in Chrudim, Pardubice and Polička continue to serve their purpose until today.
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Chrudimský Kristus a zázračné souřadnice jeho barokní legendy
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2009) Panoch, Pavel
    The paper deals with the St. Salvator´s painting kept in the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Chrudim, which became worshipped as an antiplague Paladium of baroque Bohemia and Moravia during the pestilence epidemics in years 1680 and 1713–1715. Early Modern Ages created several opposite theories on its historical origin – the scholars looked for its provenance in the Biblical Era, within the artistic collections of the emperors and Bohemian kings Charles IV. and Rudolf II., or they made a groundless direct connection between the oil-painting and the works of German Renaissance painter Lucas Cranach the Elder. But this late mannerist oil-on-wood influenced by Dutch naturalism and representing an impressive replica of Vera Effigies won´t be coming from an earlier period than the turn of the16th and the17th Centuries. The picture came to Chrudim a bit later and in 1648 it played a lead role in the brutal vituparation acted by Swedish Lutherans. The result of this physical iconoclastic disgrace made on the artwork was an ineffaceable bloody hack on the temple of St. Salvator and some other transformations of his face. This moment in the history of the painting has stimulated a strong private piety which has been consequently changed to the strong public worship during the last quarter of the 17th Century. The main promoter of Chrudim´s St. Salvator cult was the dean Samuel Hataš (†1685) and later it was excited by the baroque book Nebeský Lékař Kristus Ježíš (Celestial Healer Jesus Christ) by Václav Baltazar Petržilka, printed in Czech language (1718 and 1735) and later in German (1764). The proposed paper also deals with several other baroque sculptures and paintings, influnced by the picture of Chrudim´s St. Salvator, which later officially propagated its miraculous legend.
  • Náhled
    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Na okraj úvěrové politiky českých měst v době předbělohorské. Mezi Chrudimí, Prahou a Rychnovem nad Kněžnou
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2009) Novotný, David
    Die Türkenkriege im 16. Jahrhundert und am Anfang des 17. Jahrhunderts haben einen wachsenden fiskalischen Zwang der Herrscher hervorgerufen, die öfters außerordentliche Beden (beispielsweise Schuldenhaftung) gefordert haben. Die Städte haben dieses Problem durch eigene Verschuldung gelöst. Sie hatten zwar eigene Mitbürger bevorzugt, aber im Laufe der Zeit mussten sie die Gläubigen anderenorts suchen. Beim Suchen der eventuellen Gläubigen spielten wahrscheinlich persönliche Kontakte der Stadtvertreter eine uvertretbare Rolle. Vor allem die durch Prager Universität gebildeten Schöffen, im Fall der vielen böhmischen königlichen Städte handlete es sich um ehemalige Lehrer, konnten den Städten durch ihre Rundschau und Kontakte helfen. Während die Aufmerksamkeit der gesamten Verschuldung der böhmischen königlichen Städte gewidmet wurde, blieb der Mechanismus des Suchens der Gläubigen relativ unbekannt. Die Kenntnis des tieferen Kerns der Sache würde ermöglichen, geographische Etagen der Städte und Bindungen der Einwohner zusammenzustellen. Das Ziel des vorgelegten Artikel ist es, wenigstens in Grundzügen auf manche Gesichtspunkte des Suchens der solventen Partner und auf die Einflüsse mancher Personen auf die entsprechende Handlung aufmerksam zu machen.
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    „I Siegfried cítí zimu a vši…“ aneb Obrazy spojenců a nepřátel v paměti vojáků druhého čs. zahraničního odboje
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2009) Mücke, Pavel
    In this essay the author tries to conclude one aspect of his Ph.D. dissertation which is in historical way analysing and interpreting different types of memoirs and interviews of Czechoslovak soldiers from WW II. Inspired by concepts of Maurice Halbwachs (cadres de memoire) and Pierre Nora (lieux de memoire) and also basing on oral history metodology, he is consequently (re)constructing contours of ex-soldiers war and postwar memory. In this case he tries to describe symbolic „image“ of war allies and war enemies as place of memory and everyday life. Finaly as result it could be stated that these symbolic images take very important part among another ones (e.g. influence of so-called „Munich Myth“, reception of „great“ political events, perception of „home and homeland“, or attitudes toward Czechoslovak army grounds and political elites) and they play a key role in the process of (re)creation of individual and collective memory and identity of ex-Czechoslovak combattants.
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Oddělené sféry, nebo komplementarita? Interakce mužů a žen na pozadí středověkého města
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2009) Malaníková, Michaela
    The aim of the paper is to present an introduction into a topic concerning the ways men and women lived and worked together within the space of a medieval Czech or, more precisely, Moravian town. The text neither draws on any previous research nor does it develop any prior findings as there are no relevant findings to this topic available up to the present day. It rather outlines some basic questions and theses. It also reflects on specific methods of gender-oriented research of medieval resources and difficulties that a mediaevist may face when dealing with this issue.
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Kult svatých a dynastická propaganda na dvoře Báthoryů v 16. století
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2009) Kruppa, Tomáš
    A Báthory család, mint újonnan hatalomra került dinasztia, legitimációjának középpontjába a szentkultuszt és a nemzetségalapító legendát állította. Az első Árpád-házi szent királyainkhoz (Szent István, Szent László), illetve a magyar szentnek tartott Szent Zsigmondhoz kapcsolódott, aki egyúttal afféle közös közép-európai szent is volt egyúttal. A másik legitimációs forrás a legendás sárkányölő nemzetségalapító hőshöz kötődött, amely mögött a Szent György kultusz rajzolódott ki, amely Szent László király kultuszával együtt a törökkel harcoló magyarok körében nagyon népszerű volt. A tizenöt éves háború kirobbanásával mindkét legitimációs eszköz nagy hangsúlyt kapott Báthory Zsigmond a belföldet és a külföldet megcélzó háborús propagandájában. Ez a csúcspontját az 1595. évi havasalföldi hadjáratban érte el; az uralkodói propagandában ekkor már helyet kaptak a század végén megszaporodó jóslatok és próféciák a török birodalom bukásáról, amelynek egy keleten felbukkanó vitéz uralkodó fog véget vetni.