Does extreme poverty occur in EU countries?

Show simple item record Antošová, Irena 2020-02-07T07:26:49Z 2020-02-07T07:26:49Z 2019
dc.identifier.issn 1211-555X (Print)
dc.identifier.issn 1804-8048 (Online)
dc.description.abstract Poverty as a result of income inequality is a concern for governments in all countries, including the European Union. The question is how serious the poverty is and in which households it occurs. This paper offers the identification of households at risk of extreme poverty based on the construction of the Extreme Poverty Index. This Index combines three dimensions of poverty, reflecting trends in measuring multidimensional poverty. The first component of the index is income poverty, the second is material deprivation of households, which complements the index by a non-income perspective and reflects the real living conditions of households. The third component of the index is the low work intensity of the household. Segments of households at risk of extreme poverty are identified in a cluster analysis using primary data from EU-SILC survey. These identified households should be the target groups of the social policy activities in order to make social policy and assistance to endangered households as effective as possible. The paper provides a comparison of extreme poverty in households in the Czech Republic, Germany, Poland and Slovakia. The most vulnerable segment in all countries is an unemployed pre-retirement consumer living alone, but also other household groups. en
dc.format p. 4 - 15 (12 s.)
dc.language.iso en
dc.publisher University of Pardubice en
dc.relation.ispartof Scientific papers of the University of Pardubice. Series D, Faculty of Economics and Administration. 47/2019 en
dc.rights open access en
dc.subject extreme poverty en
dc.subject income en
dc.subject material deprivation en
dc.subject unemployment en
dc.subject social transfers en
dc.subject EU-SILC en
dc.title Does extreme poverty occur in EU countries? en
dc.type Article en
dc.peerreviewed yes en
dc.publicationstatus published en
dc.subject.jel I32
dc.subject.jel P46
dc.subject.jel D31
dc.subject.jel I31

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